Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Cafe Sometimes and Other Writings

Maybe Cafe Now wasn't a good name for a blog that I only get to once in a while. Maybe I should have called it Cafe Sometimes.

Thing is, I took a paid writing gig and haven't had the time to get here and write my little meandering thoughts and observations. Thought the least I could do to nurture the place was to post some of the pieces I've been writing for my local newspaper. They're mostly profile pieces of some of the unique and interesting people that make up our vibrant little community of Ashland.

I offer some of them here as glimpses into what it means to be human in a world that seems to be increasingly uncertain.

Ely Schless: Inventor
Pam Derby: Compassionate Listener
Tish McFadden: Musician, Teacher
David Gall: Postman
Bill and Shirley Patton: The Patton Tree